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CHONG CHIN HAO (章景皓),马来西亚籍学者,19893月生,博士,教授,分别于2012年、2015年和2020年在清华大学能源与动力工程系(原热能工程系)获得学士、硕士和博士学位,通晓汉语、英语和马来语,是中国人力资源和社会保障部和外国专家局共同认定的A类外国高端人才,通过海外高层次人才引进计划到桂林航天工业学院工作,现为管理学院专任教师、外籍专家,主要从事教学和科学研究工作,研究领域为宏观能源系统分析和能源战略研究,擅长经济发展-能源消费-碳排放的深度耦合研究、能源和资源的可持续发展研究、碳达峰碳中和政策研究。截止至20244月,合计发表SCI论文19篇,累计被引497次,H-index10。在所发表的19SCI论文中,有9篇来自中科院一区、TOP期刊目录。










202403月至今          ,桂林航天工业学院,管理学院,专任教师、教授

202212月至今          ,清华大学,低碳能源实验室,外籍专家








1.        Chong C, et al., LMDI decomposition of coal consumption in China based on the energy allocation diagram of coal flows: An update for 20052020 with improved sectoral resolutions. Energy, 2023. 285: p. 129266. SCI期刊,中科院TOP期刊目录,中科院一区,影响因子:9.0

2.        Chong C, Gao Y, Ma L, Li Z, Ni W, Zhou X, et al. A supply chain allocation method for environmental responsibility based on fossil energy as the anchor for carbon responsibility. Journal of cleaner production. 2023;416:137904. SCI期刊,中科院TOP期刊目录,中科院一区,影响因子11.0

3.        Chong C, Tan WX, Ting ZJ, Liu P, Ma L, Li Z, et al. The driving factors of energy-related CO2 emission growth in Malaysia: The LMDI decomposition method based on energy allocation analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2019;115:109356. SCI期刊,中科院TOP期刊目录,中科院一区,影响因子:15.9

4.        Chong C, Liu P, Ma L, Li Z, Ni W, Li X, et al. LMDI decomposition of energy consumption in Guangdong Province, China, based on an energy allocation diagram. Energy. 2017;133:525-44. SCI期刊,中科院TOP期刊目录,中科院一区,影响因子:9.0

5.        Chong C, Ma L, Li Z, Ni W, Song S. Logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) decomposition of coal consumption in China based on the energy allocation diagram of coal flows. Energy. 2015;85:366-78. SCI期刊,中科院TOP期刊目录,中科院一区,影响因子:9.0

6.        Chong C, Ni W, Ma L, Liu P, Li Z. The Use of Energy in Malaysia: Tracing Energy Flows from Primary Source to End Use. Energies. 2015;8(4):2828-66. SCI期刊)

7.        Chong C, Zhang X, Kong G, Ma L, Li Z, Ni W, et al. A Visualization Method of the Economic Input–Output Table: Mapping Monetary Flows in the Form of Sankey Diagrams. Sustainability-Basel. 2021;13(21):12239. SCI期刊)

8.        Gao Y, Chong C, Liu G, Casazza M, Xiong X, Liu B, et al. Identification of carbon responsibility factors based on energy consumption from 2005 to 2020 in China. Energy. 2024;296:131247. SCI期刊,中科院TOP期刊目录,中科院一区,影响因子:9.0

9.        Lin Y, Chong C, Ma L, Li Z, Ni W. Quantification of waste heat potential in China: A top-down Societal Waste Heat Accounting Model. Energy. 2022;261:125194. SCI期刊,中科院TOP期刊目录,中科院一区,影响因子:9.0

10.    Liang X, Ma L, Chong C, Li Z, Ni W. Development of smart energy towns in China: Concept and practices. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2019:109507. SCI期刊,中科院TOP期刊目录,中科院一区,影响因子:15.9

11.    Song S, Liu P, Xu J, Chong C, Huang X, Ma L, et al. Life cycle assessment and economic evaluation of pellet fuel from corn straw in China: A case study in Jilin Province. Energy. 2017;130:373-81. SCI期刊,中科院TOP期刊目录,中科院一区,影响因子:9.0

12.    Lin Y, Chong C, Ma L, Li Z, Ni W. Analysis of Changes in the Aggregate Exergy Efficiency of China’s Energy System from 2005 to 2015. Energies. 2021;14(8):2304. SCI期刊)

13.    Ma L, Chong C, Zhang X, Liu P, Li W, Li Z, et al. LMDI Decomposition of Energy-Related CO2 Emissions Based on Energy and CO2 Allocation Sankey Diagrams: The Method and an Application to China. Sustainability-Basel. 2018;10(2):344. SCI期刊)

14.    Li X, Chong C, Ma L, Liu P, Shen X, Jia Z, et al. Coordinating the Dynamic Development of Energy and Industry in Composite Regions: An I-SDOP Analysis of the BTH Region. Sustainability-Basel. 2018;10(6):2093. SCI期刊)

15.    Zhao Y, Kong G, Chong C, Ma L, Li Z, Ni W. How to Effectively Control Energy Consumption Growth in China’s 29 Provinces: A Paradigm of Multi-Regional Analysis Based on EAALMDI Method. Sustainability-Basel. 2021;13(3):1093. SCI期刊)

16.    Zhang X, Li Z, Ma L, Chong C, Ni W. Forecasting the Energy Embodied in Construction Services Based on a Combination of Static and Dynamic Hybrid Input-Output Models. Energies. 2019;12(2):300. SCI期刊)

17.    Zhang X, Li Z, Ma L, Chong C, Ni W. Analyzing Carbon Emissions Embodied in Construction Services: A Dynamic Hybrid Input–Output Model with Structural Decomposition Analysis. Energies. 2019;12(8):1456. SCI期刊)

18.    He M, Liu P, Ma L, Chong C, Li X, Song S, et al. A Systems Analysis of the Development Status and Trends of Rural Household Energy in China. Energies. 2018;11(7):1741. SCI期刊)

19.    Song S, Liu P, Xu J, Ma L, Chong C, He M, et al. An Economic and Policy Analysis of a District Heating System Using Corn Straw Densified Fuel: A Case Study in Nong’an County in Jilin Province, China. Energies. 2017;10(1):8. SCI期刊)



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